Negative Effects of Coffee

Negative Effects of Coffee
Negative Effects of Coffee 

How many cups of coffee are safe to drink in a day? Do you like coffee? With or without milk? Sweetener, sugar, or black? Everybody knows that coffee is a stimulant and reduces the feeling of tiredness. That's why many people use it as a quick way to wake up in the morning. One of the problems with coffee is the time when we drink it, Many things are said about coffee, but the truth is that, if consumed in moderation it can be incredible to our health. 

Did you know that coffee, in the right dose, makes people more alert, increases metabolism, prevents uterine and liver cancer, and type 2 diabetes, and offers many other benefits? But, according to Australian scientists, drinking 6 or more cups of coffee per day increases the risk of heart disease by 22%. According to studies, a safe daily consumption for adults without sensitivity to caffeine is 4 cups of fresh coffee, which equals 400 mg. The effects of caffeine are bad for kids' bodies, so it's not recommended to let them drink coffee. Teenagers can consume up to 100 mg of caffeine per day. Even for adults, excessive consumption of caffeine can cause side effects. 

Effects of Caffeine on the Heart

Some of them care:

Insomnia, anxiety, irritability, stomach pain, rapid heartbeats, and tremors. If you end up consuming more coffee than what you are used to and exceed the recommended amount, you may present the following symptoms: 

It's also important to remember that many foods and beverages contain caffeine, like teas, sodas, chocolate, and energy drinks. For most people, caffeine consumption is usually safe, but it can increase blood pressure and heartbeats. In general, few people present any kind of problem after drinking coffee. If you want to be healthy and keep your daily cup of Joe, pay attention to how much you are ingesting.  


This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means

This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means

This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means 

Do you know what the color of your egg yolk implies? When you make scrambled eggs, you may notice that some yolks have different colors than others. But do you know why? A few people say the color of the egg yolk can say a great deal regarding the health of the chicken. They say that the darker, rounder, and firmer, the happier the chicken that laid it. Normally this means that the hen was raised free-range and was fed well. On the other hand, they say that a clearer egg yolk means that the hen was raised on a farm, in a coop, spending hours confined indoors in the dark, and was produced on a large scale.

But which of the two yolks is the healthiest? When the yolk is lighter, the chicken was most likely consuming a great deal of wheat, which makes the egg yolk color different when compared to the free-range chicken's egg yolk that has a very orange color. Certainly, the yellow yolk would be the most nutritious one, but according to research, it’s the other way around. The orange yolks are found in the healthiest eggs. According to the head of the Center for Egg Nutrition, free-range chickens have the opportunity to eat more pigmented foods, which makes their eggs more nutritious and their yolks have stronger colors.

Its darker yolks also indicate the presence of omega-3 fatty acids and xanthophylls (pigments found in dark green vegetables) in the chicken feed. Free-range chickens eggs are also richer in vitamins A, D, and E. In any case, this isn't the main reason that you have to abstain from devouring eggs with lighter yolks. According to the Egg Nutrition Center, farm eggs and free-range hens have an identical nutritional match when it comes to the number of fats, proteins, and cholesterol. So regardless of the color, the taste and nutritional value won't change. Since we’re talking about eggs, how do we know if they’re fresh?

This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means

Here’s how: 

Put 25 grams of salt in a jar with 1 liter of water and then soak the egg: If the egg sinks it’s fresh. If it floats near the bottom, it’s t 1 to 4 days old. If it floats on top but does not reach the surface, it’s about 1 week old. If the egg stands straight up on the bottom of the jar, it’s very old, so don’t eat it!

Coconut Milk for Hair Mask | Coconut Milk for Skin Whitening

Coconut Milk or Hair Mask | Coconut Milk For Skin Whitening

Coconut Milk for Hair Mask 

 Coconut Milk for Skin Whitening

You’ve probably already heard that coconut oil is great for your skin and hair. Coconuts are rich in nutrients and minerals, making them very versatile: its water, milk, oil, sugar and “flesh” can all be used in several different ways. Be that as it may, with regards to your magnificence schedule, coconut milk can do some amazing things You’re probably wondering why coconut milk is so good for your hair and skin. Since it contains fatty acids, coconut milk is a great natural antiseptic and can be used to treat dandruff, moisturize your skin, help heal infections and wounds, cure dry skin and irritation, and even assistance smooth wrinkles and different indications of maturing It also works just as well as coconut oil when it comes to treating damaged hair. Here are some of coconut milk’s best benefits: 

It Prevents Premature Aging and Moisturizes your Skin

 As we mentioned before, coconut milk is a great natural moisturizer that can help clean your pores, reduce sebum, prevent age spots, and smooth sagging and wrinkles. To obtain these benefits you just have to make a face mask that calls for ½ cup coconut milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Once the ingredients are all mixed, apply the mask to your face or other desired areas with a clean cotton pad. Let the mask dry for 10 minutes and then rinse your face with warm water. This will help your skin stay hydrated and look years younger. But first, always perform an allergy test. Apply a small amount of the mixture to your skin. If you don’t notice any allergic reactions, then you’re free to use the face mask safely.

 It Cleanses, Moisturizes and Stimulates Hair Growth 

Coconut milk can be used to treat dry, damaged hair, and an irritated or itchy scalp, and also to stimulate your hair follicles and promote hair growth. You’ll need: 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk (refrigerated overnight); In the morning, separate your hair into several sections and apply the coconut milk to each one, going from the root to the ends of your hair. Put on a shower cap and let it sit for 20 minutes then wash your hair as usual. This is an excellent treatment to treat dry, damaged hair, and even split ends. Now, after learning all of these incredible recipes, you must be wondering how you can make coconut milk at home.

Here’s what you do:

Coconut Milk or Hair Mask | Coconut Milk For Skin Whitening


1 cup of grated minced coconut flesh,5 cups of heated water.


Boil the water. Once it starts to boil turn off the heat and add the grated coconut. Let the water sit for 15 minutes. Once the time up blends the mixture and then strain it through a cloth strainer. If you want your milk to be more concentrated, try again with less water and double the original amount of coconut. The remainder of the coconut pulp can be used in recipes or even dried in the oven. Store your coconut milk in a closed bottle in the refrigerator, for up to 3 days.


Natural Home Remedy for Improve Your Memory

Natural Home Remedy for Improve Your Memory

Natural Home Remedy for Improve Your Memory 

Over the last few decades, the average life expectancy has increased, causing the population over 60 years of age to increase. Some even make it to 80 years old and keeping in mind that they may appear to be physically healthy, practically every one of them experiences the ill effects of memory problems. Many, unfortunately, not only forget things of the past, but also more recent details such as what they ate for lunch. But I bet that happens to you too, doesn’t it? Many people have trouble thinking fast and remembering facts. This mental wear and tear are natural, although it can be avoided.

This means that the state of your brain isn’t necessarily compatible with your official age. Did you realize that a few problems can cause you to seem years older? If a young person takes the necessary precautions to preserve his memory, he will most likely have a healthy brain when he gets old. The first step is to watch what you eat and avoid excessive drinking and drug use, such as marijuana. Problems such as schizophrenia, bipolarity, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity) cause your brain to age prematurely.

Scientists advise you to start treating these conditions as soon as possible. Another easy thing to do is play interactive games such as board games, puzzles, or memory games. Reading, writing, and listening to classical music will likewise enable you to exercise your brain. Just like your body, your brain also needs to exercise to improve. How is your memory? Are you having trouble concentrating? Maybe your brain needs a little more energy and nutrition. In today's article, we’re going to show you a natural recipe to help your brain stay active!

It's wealthy in nutrients and can act legitimately on cognitive health, which is incredible! This recipe calls for beer yeast (brewer's yeast) and oats. Yeast has excellent levels of B-complex vitamins. All these vitamins, together, play an important role in our cellular metabolism, producing energy and exercising our brain. Oats are great brain food and they can be consumed however you want. They contain many proteins, amino acids, unsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals. And, not only do they keep your brain healthy, but they’re also good for your heart! 

Natural Home Remedy for Improve Your Memory


1/2 of a banana, 2 apples (if not organic, remove the peel), 4 tablespoons of oats, 1 cup of vegetable milk (coconut, rice, sesame, sunflower or almonds), 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast.


Wash the apples, strip the banana and cut all the natural product into slices. Once this is done, blend all of the ingredients until you have an even mixture. In the event that you think the drink is excessively thick, include more vegetable milk or water. Drink this smoothie every day on an empty stomach.


This Natural Recipe will Cleanse Your Intestines and Eliminate a Huge Amount of Toxins

This Natural Recipe will Cleanse Your Intestines and Eliminate a Huge Amount of Toxins

This Natural Recipe will Cleanse 

Your Intestines and Eliminate a Huge Amount of Toxins

Colon cleansing was first practiced by the Greeks in Ancient Greece. Nowadays, with our culture’s incessant search for natural health, this procedure has begun to be debated by several professionals and researchers in the field. The truth is that there are numerous ways to perform a natural intestinal cleansing. You can use teas, soups, and products sold exclusively for bowel cleansing. The colon plays a very important role in our body. It maintains our body’s water balance and regulates our immune system. In any case, its principal purpose is to remove toxic waste from your body. Alternative medicine says that you need to perform a colon cleansing every once in a while to eliminate all toxins, fecal matter, and contaminants that accumulate.

If you don’t perform this cleanse, then the contaminants may travel through your blood and cause major health problems such as constipation, weak immune system, skin problems, bladder infection, vaginal discharge, poor memory, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and muscle and joint pain. These are just some of the symptoms that a person may feel when their intestine isn’t working well. If you have any of these symptoms, then you should know that several natural remedies can be used in this detox process that has no side effects. In the article, we’re going to share a natural, healthy, and effective detox treatment. This juice can both clean your colon and eliminate toxins because of its diuretic and antioxidant properties. 
This Natural Recipe will Cleanse Your Intestines and Eliminate a Huge Amount of Toxins


6 strawberries, 1 slice of natural pineapple, 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley. It’s preferable that you use organic fruit. 


After washing your ingredients, blend them all with a little water. It´s recommended to drink this smoothie once a day for a week, every morning on an empty stomach. If this recipe is too hard or time-consuming for your daily life, there is an excellent alternative which also helps with the bowel cleansing process. Just mix the juice from half of a freshly squeezed lemon with half a glass of warm water. It is recommended that you drink this mixture before going to bed. In addition to these recipes, remember that including soluble and insoluble fiber in your diet will help with gastrointestinal problems including constipation, diverticular disease and even prevent colorectal cancer.

The recommended daily amount is about 25 to 30 grams of fiber. To consume more fiber, just eat more cereals and whole grains, as well as soluble oats, fruits, and vegetables. Drink more water as well. And last, but not least, try to avoid consuming foods that are difficult to digest, such as red meat, dairy foods, excess protein or anything that may irritate your intestine.


Benefits of Organic Food | The Prevent Breast and Body Cancer

Benefits of Organic Food | The Prevent Breast and Body Cancer

Benefits of Organic Food 

The Prevent Breast and Body Cancer

Do you think organic consumption is important? If your answer is yes, then you should watch this article. Organic items are stylish at the present time, so you've presumably heard of them. If you have tried going organic before, then you should tell us about your experience and what you learned. These types of products are in high demand in the cities now, because people are more interested in leading a healthy lifestyle. Organic options are notwithstanding being included in the menus of different restaurants. If you haven’t heard of organic food yet, then you should know that it's the term used to describe foods that are produced without the use of synthetic chemicals, which are harmful to our health and the environment.

So that's why people who want to eat organic are willing to pay more for unaltered grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats, etc… However, for the longest time, there was no actual scientific evidence to back up the claim that organic food is better for you. According to a large study performed in France, people who ate organic food regularly had 25% fewer cancers than those who never ate organic. This is because people who eat organic produce consume less synthetic pesticides and therefore aren’t putting their body at risk of accidentally ingesting a potential cancerous substance. 

There was a particularly significant decrease in the incidence of lymphoma, a type of cancer that attacks your body’s lymphocytes. (the body's defense cells) The appearance of this tumor was 76% less for people who consume organic food regularly, in comparison to people who rarely consume it. The incidence of breast cancer in postmenopausal women has also been studied, and according to the study, people who eat organic are 34% less likely to develop this disease when compared to women who only eat organic occasionally.

This is because many pesticides cause endocrine imbalances and mimic estrogenic function, messing with the hormonal cycle which plays a large role in disease. According to the researchers, the study does not prove that organic food reduces the chances of getting cancer but it does suggest that the absence of pesticides is the main reason for a reduction in the chances of women developing cancer. The conclusions of the survey are considered preliminary, but they help us to pay more attention to the food we eat. According to many experts, cancer prevention is also linked to a healthy diet, full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains. If they are organic, it's even better.

Detoxify and Cleanse Your Body with this Infused Water Recipe | Home Remedies

Detoxify and Cleanse Your Body with this Infused Water Recipe | Home Remedies

Hot summer days can be difficult to endure for most people, and even though everyone knows how important it is, they don't generally remain as hydrated as they should. What most people don’t know, however, is that plain old water isn’t the only thing that will keep you healthy and hydrated. It’s also possible to hydrate your body by drinking infused water, which has incredible health benefits, and even aids weight loss! 

This recipe calls for three natural home remedies ingredients: 

Ginger, Lemon, and Cucumber.

Each one of them plays a very important role: Ginger is a root that helps detoxify the body and improve bowel movements, which in turn benefits the metabolism, stimulates fat burning and prevents fluid retention. Lemon purifies and eliminates toxins from the body, purging it in an all-natural way. And since it contains a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants which strengthen the immune system, it’s widely used in disease prevention. Cucumber is exceptionally wealthy in water, minerals, and cancer prevention agents that help hydrate the body and keep up legitimate inside capacity. Together in this drink, lemon, cucumber, and ginger compliment each other and come together to eliminate toxins from your body and help you lose weight, while hydrating and improving your overall health. 

Detoxify and Cleanse Your Body with this Infused Water Recipe | Home Remedies

Home Remedy to make this delicious Detox drink: 

Home Remedies Ingredients: 

1 lemon or lime, ½ of a cucumber, ½ of a piece of ginger,1 fresh mint sprig,1 glass of water (200 ml), 


Wash lemon, cucumber, ginger, and mint leaves well. Cut them into small pieces without peeling them and place them in a jar with the water. Put the jar in the fridge overnight. On the following day, strain it and drink your detox water. It is recommended that you drink this detox water every morning on an empty stomach, and throughout the day, at least half an hour before every meal. Don’t use the ingredients that you strained from your drink again. Use fresh ingredients every time you prepare your infused water.