What If We Used 100% Of Our Brain

What If We Used 100% Of Our Brain

What If We Used 100% Of Our Brain

Are you ready for your head to spin?? (No, not like that girl in the Exorcist! She’s too scary!) Anyway, science’s hottest topic is…. You! Well, your brain, that is! It’s really what makes you, you. Your brain is an amazing thing. It’s the body’s command system; it tells the body what to do, right down to telling your heart to keep beating…but guess what?? 

We don’t even use our whole brain! Well, not all the time, anyway. Scientists – especially neurologists, (doctors who study the brain) love talking about brain function. Strangely enough, so does Hollywood; the question of how much of our brain we use is a popular theme in movies and TV shows too.

Like in: …And my head I'd be a scratchin', While my thoughts are busily hatchin' If I only had a brain…(Uh, that’s posted inside my locker at work…) Our brain does a whole lot for us, but what would happen if we worked our entire brain capacity? And why does this question seem to come up everywhere, across so many fields of study?? 

It’s discussed in medicine, education, and pop culture. What’s all the excitement about? Well, let’s get our answer by starting with a new question: how much of our brains do we use? And no, it’s not the popular “10% myth”. That was debunked by numerous studies and neurologist Barry Gordon in Scientific American. This “10% myth” has been given way too much credit in films and different media, so most people started believing it was true.

It turns out that most of our brain is active most of the time, but not all parts may be serving 100% at the same time. This is true even when we’re sleeping – because we’re most likely dreaming, right? Even dreaming takes a lot of brain activity. 

That exact percentage we’re using is different from person to person too. So we can’t calculate the precise percentage, but you probably use every part of your brain every day – just not all at once. The brain is very complex and has many small parts, so let’s just take a look at the basic parts of the brain and their functions. There are three main big parts:

The cerebrum, cerebellum, and the brain stem. In addition to our physical functions like walking, playing sports, or blinking, (blinking? Well yeah.) our brain controls functions that we don’t even think about – like our heartbeat keeping our blood pumping, our lungs allowing us to breathe, and our digestive system working so that we get nutrients from food. 

On top of all of that, our brains also allow us to have thoughts, to feel emotions, and to have memories. Plus, your brain can store all the information we gather by using our five senses – sight, smell, touch, tasting, and hearing.

This is why you can remember a taste, like Grandma’s apple pie. Yum! Most of the higher functions, like those concerning emotions and processing what your five senses pick up, take place in the cerebrum; it’s the largest part of your brain, and contains your “left brain” and “right brain.” This part of the brain also fine-tunes complex movement, so that you can dance ballet, swim, or dribble a basketball. 

(Well maybe YOU can…me, not so much.) The cerebellum handles our larger coordination skills so that we can walk, sit, stand, adjust our posture, and balance. This part of the brain also controls speech, so that we can talk to each other and understand what’s being said to us.

For example, the cerebellum is working hard for a toddler who’s just learning to walk and talk. It also allows us to learn new movements and coordination. (Well, maybe ballet isn’t entirely off the table…) The brain stem is at the base of the brain, and attached to our spinal cord; without it, we couldn’t move at all! 

It also controls our swallowing, our heart rate, and our breathing. The brain stem is also what tells us that we’re sleepy, or that it's time to be awake. Whew, talk about multi-tasking! Therefore where does this “brain capacity” question come in? Remember, we use most of our brains all the time, but not every part all the time. 

Sleep is a good example of this concept, and we’ll keep it basic; when you’re sleeping, you’re using your brain stem, which allows you to fall asleep and stay asleep, and probably most of your cerebrum, so that you can dream. 

But you probably aren’t using a whole lot of your cerebellum, because you aren’t talking or moving much when you’re sleeping (unless you’re asleep-walker…but that’s another video!). Now back to our question: what if we used 100% of these functions 100% of the time? Would we be able to move objects and hear people’s thoughts, like in the movies? Sorry, but…no. 

For one thing, we would get really tired; using all of our brains at the same time would require just about all of the blood circulations you have, which would rob other organs of what they need. The body would go into “survival mode” from the resulting lack of oxygen: different organs would start to shut down, in priority order. 

Secondly, running a brain that’s using 100% capacity would be so powerful that it would require all the energy we’ve got; we would need constant fuel. In other words, we would be hungry all the time…well, that sounds like me already! Anyway, our stomachs might not be able to keep up with all the digestion the constant eating would require. Sounds like a bad tummy ache!

In addition to all those physical problems, a brain using full capacity would also mean that our neurons would be firing all the time. In other words, we would be processing sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound at a super high speed, which means we’d be processing and analyzing information constantly. 

Doing all of this at the same time might make our judgment a little cloudy…we might become a danger to ourselves! We’ve evolved to the exact point that we’re supposed to be: wherever body and brain are balanced. So however you want to look at it: if we used 100% brain capacity, our brains would be too powerful for our bodies to handle; or our bodies would be too weak for our brains. 

Using 100% capacity of our brains just isn’t in the cards for us right now – not physically, mentally, or scientifically. There’s just no evolutionary purpose. Sorry if that was a little bit of a letdown! But who knows what our scientific or evolutionary future holds. Because our brains and our bodies work in sync, we can push them both, simultaneously, to our very highest potential! 

Want to improve your body? Start a workout routine and give your body a healthy diet. Want to stretch your brain? Do jigsaw puzzles, step up your reading game, play Sudoku…whatever challenges you!

Some think that humans just aren’t living up to their full potential…but that’s simply not true! If we weren’t, we wouldn’t have our amazing progress in science and technology; we wouldn’t have the medical capabilities that we do, either. It’s because the brain’s capacity for learning is a different story; how much we can learn in a lifetime is not limited by our brain’s storage capacity. 

While this, too, isn’t infinite, our learning capacity is limited more by things like attention span, getting poor sleep, and whether we met certain age milestones, or for me, whether I lose my marbles entirely, or only one at a time! But this is perhaps another topic for another day! When it comes to our brains and our bodies, we get what we give…or lose!

Negative Effects of Coffee

Negative Effects of Coffee
Negative Effects of Coffee 

How many cups of coffee are safe to drink in a day? Do you like coffee? With or without milk? Sweetener, sugar, or black? Everybody knows that coffee is a stimulant and reduces the feeling of tiredness. That's why many people use it as a quick way to wake up in the morning. One of the problems with coffee is the time when we drink it, Many things are said about coffee, but the truth is that, if consumed in moderation it can be incredible to our health. 

Did you know that coffee, in the right dose, makes people more alert, increases metabolism, prevents uterine and liver cancer, and type 2 diabetes, and offers many other benefits? But, according to Australian scientists, drinking 6 or more cups of coffee per day increases the risk of heart disease by 22%. According to studies, a safe daily consumption for adults without sensitivity to caffeine is 4 cups of fresh coffee, which equals 400 mg. The effects of caffeine are bad for kids' bodies, so it's not recommended to let them drink coffee. Teenagers can consume up to 100 mg of caffeine per day. Even for adults, excessive consumption of caffeine can cause side effects. 

Effects of Caffeine on the Heart

Some of them care:

Insomnia, anxiety, irritability, stomach pain, rapid heartbeats, and tremors. If you end up consuming more coffee than what you are used to and exceed the recommended amount, you may present the following symptoms: 

It's also important to remember that many foods and beverages contain caffeine, like teas, sodas, chocolate, and energy drinks. For most people, caffeine consumption is usually safe, but it can increase blood pressure and heartbeats. In general, few people present any kind of problem after drinking coffee. If you want to be healthy and keep your daily cup of Joe, pay attention to how much you are ingesting.  


This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means

This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means

This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means 

Do you know what the color of your egg yolk implies? When you make scrambled eggs, you may notice that some yolks have different colors than others. But do you know why? A few people say the color of the egg yolk can say a great deal regarding the health of the chicken. They say that the darker, rounder, and firmer, the happier the chicken that laid it. Normally this means that the hen was raised free-range and was fed well. On the other hand, they say that a clearer egg yolk means that the hen was raised on a farm, in a coop, spending hours confined indoors in the dark, and was produced on a large scale.

But which of the two yolks is the healthiest? When the yolk is lighter, the chicken was most likely consuming a great deal of wheat, which makes the egg yolk color different when compared to the free-range chicken's egg yolk that has a very orange color. Certainly, the yellow yolk would be the most nutritious one, but according to research, it’s the other way around. The orange yolks are found in the healthiest eggs. According to the head of the Center for Egg Nutrition, free-range chickens have the opportunity to eat more pigmented foods, which makes their eggs more nutritious and their yolks have stronger colors.

Its darker yolks also indicate the presence of omega-3 fatty acids and xanthophylls (pigments found in dark green vegetables) in the chicken feed. Free-range chickens eggs are also richer in vitamins A, D, and E. In any case, this isn't the main reason that you have to abstain from devouring eggs with lighter yolks. According to the Egg Nutrition Center, farm eggs and free-range hens have an identical nutritional match when it comes to the number of fats, proteins, and cholesterol. So regardless of the color, the taste and nutritional value won't change. Since we’re talking about eggs, how do we know if they’re fresh?

This Is What The Color of Your Egg Yolk Means

Here’s how: 

Put 25 grams of salt in a jar with 1 liter of water and then soak the egg: If the egg sinks it’s fresh. If it floats near the bottom, it’s t 1 to 4 days old. If it floats on top but does not reach the surface, it’s about 1 week old. If the egg stands straight up on the bottom of the jar, it’s very old, so don’t eat it!

Coconut Milk for Hair Mask | Coconut Milk for Skin Whitening

Coconut Milk or Hair Mask | Coconut Milk For Skin Whitening

Coconut Milk for Hair Mask 

 Coconut Milk for Skin Whitening

You’ve probably already heard that coconut oil is great for your skin and hair. Coconuts are rich in nutrients and minerals, making them very versatile: its water, milk, oil, sugar and “flesh” can all be used in several different ways. Be that as it may, with regards to your magnificence schedule, coconut milk can do some amazing things You’re probably wondering why coconut milk is so good for your hair and skin. Since it contains fatty acids, coconut milk is a great natural antiseptic and can be used to treat dandruff, moisturize your skin, help heal infections and wounds, cure dry skin and irritation, and even assistance smooth wrinkles and different indications of maturing It also works just as well as coconut oil when it comes to treating damaged hair. Here are some of coconut milk’s best benefits: 

It Prevents Premature Aging and Moisturizes your Skin

 As we mentioned before, coconut milk is a great natural moisturizer that can help clean your pores, reduce sebum, prevent age spots, and smooth sagging and wrinkles. To obtain these benefits you just have to make a face mask that calls for ½ cup coconut milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 3 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Once the ingredients are all mixed, apply the mask to your face or other desired areas with a clean cotton pad. Let the mask dry for 10 minutes and then rinse your face with warm water. This will help your skin stay hydrated and look years younger. But first, always perform an allergy test. Apply a small amount of the mixture to your skin. If you don’t notice any allergic reactions, then you’re free to use the face mask safely.

 It Cleanses, Moisturizes and Stimulates Hair Growth 

Coconut milk can be used to treat dry, damaged hair, and an irritated or itchy scalp, and also to stimulate your hair follicles and promote hair growth. You’ll need: 1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk (refrigerated overnight); In the morning, separate your hair into several sections and apply the coconut milk to each one, going from the root to the ends of your hair. Put on a shower cap and let it sit for 20 minutes then wash your hair as usual. This is an excellent treatment to treat dry, damaged hair, and even split ends. Now, after learning all of these incredible recipes, you must be wondering how you can make coconut milk at home.

Here’s what you do:

Coconut Milk or Hair Mask | Coconut Milk For Skin Whitening


1 cup of grated minced coconut flesh,5 cups of heated water.


Boil the water. Once it starts to boil turn off the heat and add the grated coconut. Let the water sit for 15 minutes. Once the time up blends the mixture and then strain it through a cloth strainer. If you want your milk to be more concentrated, try again with less water and double the original amount of coconut. The remainder of the coconut pulp can be used in recipes or even dried in the oven. Store your coconut milk in a closed bottle in the refrigerator, for up to 3 days.


Natural Home Remedy for Improve Your Memory

Natural Home Remedy for Improve Your Memory

Natural Home Remedy for Improve Your Memory 

Over the last few decades, the average life expectancy has increased, causing the population over 60 years of age to increase. Some even make it to 80 years old and keeping in mind that they may appear to be physically healthy, practically every one of them experiences the ill effects of memory problems. Many, unfortunately, not only forget things of the past, but also more recent details such as what they ate for lunch. But I bet that happens to you too, doesn’t it? Many people have trouble thinking fast and remembering facts. This mental wear and tear are natural, although it can be avoided.

This means that the state of your brain isn’t necessarily compatible with your official age. Did you realize that a few problems can cause you to seem years older? If a young person takes the necessary precautions to preserve his memory, he will most likely have a healthy brain when he gets old. The first step is to watch what you eat and avoid excessive drinking and drug use, such as marijuana. Problems such as schizophrenia, bipolarity, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder with hyperactivity) cause your brain to age prematurely.

Scientists advise you to start treating these conditions as soon as possible. Another easy thing to do is play interactive games such as board games, puzzles, or memory games. Reading, writing, and listening to classical music will likewise enable you to exercise your brain. Just like your body, your brain also needs to exercise to improve. How is your memory? Are you having trouble concentrating? Maybe your brain needs a little more energy and nutrition. In today's article, we’re going to show you a natural recipe to help your brain stay active!

It's wealthy in nutrients and can act legitimately on cognitive health, which is incredible! This recipe calls for beer yeast (brewer's yeast) and oats. Yeast has excellent levels of B-complex vitamins. All these vitamins, together, play an important role in our cellular metabolism, producing energy and exercising our brain. Oats are great brain food and they can be consumed however you want. They contain many proteins, amino acids, unsaturated fats, vitamins, and minerals. And, not only do they keep your brain healthy, but they’re also good for your heart! 

Natural Home Remedy for Improve Your Memory


1/2 of a banana, 2 apples (if not organic, remove the peel), 4 tablespoons of oats, 1 cup of vegetable milk (coconut, rice, sesame, sunflower or almonds), 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast.


Wash the apples, strip the banana and cut all the natural product into slices. Once this is done, blend all of the ingredients until you have an even mixture. In the event that you think the drink is excessively thick, include more vegetable milk or water. Drink this smoothie every day on an empty stomach.


This Natural Recipe will Cleanse Your Intestines and Eliminate a Huge Amount of Toxins

This Natural Recipe will Cleanse Your Intestines and Eliminate a Huge Amount of Toxins

This Natural Recipe will Cleanse 

Your Intestines and Eliminate a Huge Amount of Toxins

Colon cleansing was first practiced by the Greeks in Ancient Greece. Nowadays, with our culture’s incessant search for natural health, this procedure has begun to be debated by several professionals and researchers in the field. The truth is that there are numerous ways to perform a natural intestinal cleansing. You can use teas, soups, and products sold exclusively for bowel cleansing. The colon plays a very important role in our body. It maintains our body’s water balance and regulates our immune system. In any case, its principal purpose is to remove toxic waste from your body. Alternative medicine says that you need to perform a colon cleansing every once in a while to eliminate all toxins, fecal matter, and contaminants that accumulate.

If you don’t perform this cleanse, then the contaminants may travel through your blood and cause major health problems such as constipation, weak immune system, skin problems, bladder infection, vaginal discharge, poor memory, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, depression, and muscle and joint pain. These are just some of the symptoms that a person may feel when their intestine isn’t working well. If you have any of these symptoms, then you should know that several natural remedies can be used in this detox process that has no side effects. In the article, we’re going to share a natural, healthy, and effective detox treatment. This juice can both clean your colon and eliminate toxins because of its diuretic and antioxidant properties. 
This Natural Recipe will Cleanse Your Intestines and Eliminate a Huge Amount of Toxins


6 strawberries, 1 slice of natural pineapple, 1 tablespoon of fresh parsley. It’s preferable that you use organic fruit. 


After washing your ingredients, blend them all with a little water. It´s recommended to drink this smoothie once a day for a week, every morning on an empty stomach. If this recipe is too hard or time-consuming for your daily life, there is an excellent alternative which also helps with the bowel cleansing process. Just mix the juice from half of a freshly squeezed lemon with half a glass of warm water. It is recommended that you drink this mixture before going to bed. In addition to these recipes, remember that including soluble and insoluble fiber in your diet will help with gastrointestinal problems including constipation, diverticular disease and even prevent colorectal cancer.

The recommended daily amount is about 25 to 30 grams of fiber. To consume more fiber, just eat more cereals and whole grains, as well as soluble oats, fruits, and vegetables. Drink more water as well. And last, but not least, try to avoid consuming foods that are difficult to digest, such as red meat, dairy foods, excess protein or anything that may irritate your intestine.


Benefits of Organic Food | The Prevent Breast and Body Cancer

Benefits of Organic Food | The Prevent Breast and Body Cancer

Benefits of Organic Food 

The Prevent Breast and Body Cancer

Do you think organic consumption is important? If your answer is yes, then you should watch this article. Organic items are stylish at the present time, so you've presumably heard of them. If you have tried going organic before, then you should tell us about your experience and what you learned. These types of products are in high demand in the cities now, because people are more interested in leading a healthy lifestyle. Organic options are notwithstanding being included in the menus of different restaurants. If you haven’t heard of organic food yet, then you should know that it's the term used to describe foods that are produced without the use of synthetic chemicals, which are harmful to our health and the environment.

So that's why people who want to eat organic are willing to pay more for unaltered grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, meats, etc… However, for the longest time, there was no actual scientific evidence to back up the claim that organic food is better for you. According to a large study performed in France, people who ate organic food regularly had 25% fewer cancers than those who never ate organic. This is because people who eat organic produce consume less synthetic pesticides and therefore aren’t putting their body at risk of accidentally ingesting a potential cancerous substance. 

There was a particularly significant decrease in the incidence of lymphoma, a type of cancer that attacks your body’s lymphocytes. (the body's defense cells) The appearance of this tumor was 76% less for people who consume organic food regularly, in comparison to people who rarely consume it. The incidence of breast cancer in postmenopausal women has also been studied, and according to the study, people who eat organic are 34% less likely to develop this disease when compared to women who only eat organic occasionally.

This is because many pesticides cause endocrine imbalances and mimic estrogenic function, messing with the hormonal cycle which plays a large role in disease. According to the researchers, the study does not prove that organic food reduces the chances of getting cancer but it does suggest that the absence of pesticides is the main reason for a reduction in the chances of women developing cancer. The conclusions of the survey are considered preliminary, but they help us to pay more attention to the food we eat. According to many experts, cancer prevention is also linked to a healthy diet, full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains. If they are organic, it's even better.

Detoxify and Cleanse Your Body with this Infused Water Recipe | Home Remedies

Detoxify and Cleanse Your Body with this Infused Water Recipe | Home Remedies

Hot summer days can be difficult to endure for most people, and even though everyone knows how important it is, they don't generally remain as hydrated as they should. What most people don’t know, however, is that plain old water isn’t the only thing that will keep you healthy and hydrated. It’s also possible to hydrate your body by drinking infused water, which has incredible health benefits, and even aids weight loss! 

This recipe calls for three natural home remedies ingredients: 

Ginger, Lemon, and Cucumber.

Each one of them plays a very important role: Ginger is a root that helps detoxify the body and improve bowel movements, which in turn benefits the metabolism, stimulates fat burning and prevents fluid retention. Lemon purifies and eliminates toxins from the body, purging it in an all-natural way. And since it contains a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants which strengthen the immune system, it’s widely used in disease prevention. Cucumber is exceptionally wealthy in water, minerals, and cancer prevention agents that help hydrate the body and keep up legitimate inside capacity. Together in this drink, lemon, cucumber, and ginger compliment each other and come together to eliminate toxins from your body and help you lose weight, while hydrating and improving your overall health. 

Detoxify and Cleanse Your Body with this Infused Water Recipe | Home Remedies

Home Remedy to make this delicious Detox drink: 

Home Remedies Ingredients: 

1 lemon or lime, ½ of a cucumber, ½ of a piece of ginger,1 fresh mint sprig,1 glass of water (200 ml), 


Wash lemon, cucumber, ginger, and mint leaves well. Cut them into small pieces without peeling them and place them in a jar with the water. Put the jar in the fridge overnight. On the following day, strain it and drink your detox water. It is recommended that you drink this detox water every morning on an empty stomach, and throughout the day, at least half an hour before every meal. Don’t use the ingredients that you strained from your drink again. Use fresh ingredients every time you prepare your infused water.

What Happens If You Eat Moldy Bread

 What Happens If You Eat Moldy Bread

 What Happens If You Eat Moldy Bread 

Can you eat moldy bread? Sometimes you forget the bread in the cupboard and, when you remember it, it’s already moldy. Or sometimes you don't even pay attention to the due date when you are buying bread. Now, what to do with a moldy bread? Is it dangerous to eat the "good" part of moldy bread? Most of us have asked ourselves this question. Some people don't care and eat it anyways.

Others throw it away and have breakfast somewhere else. But don't worry! This probably won't put you in danger, especially if you have a healthy immune system. The fact is that some people can be allergic to mold, which is a type of fungus. In these cases, it can be fatal. Another factor that needs to be considered is that, according to experts, the fungus itself doesn't cause any harm. 

But some types of fungus produce mycotoxins (toxic substances) that cause everything from food poisoning to liver cancer. So, if you only eat a little bit, once or twice, you will probably be alright. But, in bigger doses, or for long periods of time, it can be a problem. Now you must be asking, what if I take out the moldy part of the bread? Rosely Piccolo Grandi, a researcher from the Nucleus of Research in Mycology of the Botany Institute of São Paulo, recommends discarding the whole food. Just because you don't see the mold, it doesn't mean that the rest of the food is good.

It is better to avoid consuming any food that has mold. It is also worth remembering that not all mold is green. It can also be blue, gray, brown, orange and other colors. The color changes according to the type of fungus developing. Interesting, right? The next time you have this problem at home, don't try to cut off the infected part it’s safer to discard it.

The Best Vitamins Can Prevent Cavities and Make Your Teeth Stronger

The Best Vitamins Can Prevent Cavities and Make Your Teeth Stronger

The Best Vitamins Can Prevent Cavities and 

Make Your Teeth Stronger 

Certainly, you have officially heard that "an ounce of counteractive action merits a pound of cure", correct? Also, when we talk about our oral health, it isn't unique. According to Dr. Weston Price, a dentist from Cleveland, USA, besides oral hygiene, such as flossing and brushing your teeth, nutrition also has a lot to do with cavities. At the beginning of the 20th century, he noticed that the children had weak teeth, full of cavities, and it was then that he started to research the possible causes of this problem, that still affects us even today.

After many studies with native people, Dr. Price came to the conclusion that cavities and weak teeth are caused by nutritional deficiencies. Have you ever thought about it? According to him, our diet became more modern and, thus, less nutritional. That's why, he says, people's health and their teeth are decaying. The dentist explains that our teeth can't grow properly without vitamins A, B, D, and K, which are found in many foods. 

Harder fruits, like apples, are beneficial because they eliminate plaque build-up through friction with teeth. In addition to this, they also contain vitamin A, which helps with bone formation. Besides vitamin A, foods rich in fiber, such as vegetables and fruits must be part of your routine, as well as whole foods, which contain vitamin B, iron, and magnesium. The latter is very important, helping with calcium absorption and strengthening teeth. Grains have the same characteristics and help with saliva production. They are also rich in vitamin B, that keeps your gum healthy.

That's why we should consume wheat bran, brown rice, and whole-meal pasta, etc. Vitamin D controls the balance between calcium and phosphate in your bones and teeth, and it can be obtained through fatty fish (like salmon, tuna and wahoo), coconut milk, dairy, eggs, and yogurt. You can also get vitamin D by exposing your skin to sunlight. Vitamin K is also fundamental to our oral health, fighting bacteria and remineralizing your teeth. Now that you know all of this, pay attention to the signs your mouth is giving. Your organism needs more nutrients! So, remember to choose a healthy diet with the necessary vitamins to keep your teeth healthy!

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

Lately, many people have been talking about hormones and how they benefit our bodies. They are responsible for the way our organism reacts to things, from our mood to the way we've aged over the years. In fact, hormones play an extraordinary role in the way your body looks and feels. For example, cortisol is a hormone that is released in our body in response to some types of stress. When in excess, it can affect our hormones, contribute to weight gain and muscle mass loss. Chemicals and processed foods that we use on a daily basis can generate extra pressure on our body, which ultimately favors the production of cortisol, thus causing a hormonal imbalance.

This leads to weight gain, diabetes, and heart disease. Have you ever heard of Ashwagandha? For many years, Ashwagandha has been used in Africa and India. This plant has been gaining prominence and is now being adopted by several people who are willing to enjoy the benefits of nature. You may not know it, but it can really make you feel a lot better. Because it’s an adaptogenic plant, it can improve your immune system, reduce the signs of aging and give you more vitality and energy. Ashwagandha can be helpful in treating: 

  • Stress.
  • Anxiety. 
  • Depression. 
  • Insulin Resistance.
  • Weak immune system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Inflammation is the body (such as arthritis). 
  • Acne.
  • Sexual impotence. 
  • Improve vigor and vitality.
  • Low energy. 
  • Cancer. 

What is most surprising is that Ashwagandha can treat and prevent cancer in a viable way. Despite the fact that it’s not fully recognized for this purpose, many tests have demonstrated the potential of this plant when it comes to the prevention and reduction of cancer cells. Ashwagandha can also reduce blood sugar levels, which can be a much sought after benefit for people with diabetes. In order to obtain these benefits, you can consume Ashwagandha in teas, which despite their bitter taste, also provide a thermogenic effect, which can help you burn fat. In order to improve the taste of the tea, you can combine the plant with other herbs. Some people prefer to consume Ashwagandha in supplement form. When it's consumed in the morning, it can give you that extra energy that you’re needing. If consumed at night, it can actually provide greater relaxation which can contribute to a good night's sleep.

Benefits of Magnesium to Fight Depression

Benefits of Magnesium to Fight Depression

Benefits of Magnesium to Fight Depression 

Sometimes individuals state they're depressed in light of the fact that they've felt dismal sooner or later in their lives. However, most times, individuals simply need to gain proficiency with the distinction among depression and a fleeting moment of misery, for example, the passing of a friend or family member. In the event that you have these extreme affections for a significant lot of time (months or even years) at that point, it may be depression. Depression is considered to be a disease that appears due to various reasons: Biological, Psychological, Social. There are several treatments and medications that are prescribed depending on each case.

The good news is that there are natural ways to treat depression according to a study performed in 2019 which analyzed the efficiency of magnesium in depression medication. The examination demonstrated that magnesium supplements can improve depression symptoms definitely in only 2 weeks with no of the side effects common in depression medications. Magnesium is also the key to the correct functioning of numerous other parts of our body. If we could observe our cells more closely, it would be easier to understand that this nutrient is needed for over 300 of our body’s biochemical reactions. By consuming magnesium daily you’ll not only be treating your depression but also:

  • Improving your physical performance.
  • Preventing osteoporosis.
  • Controlling diabetes. 
  • Lessening the risk of a heart attack.
  • Relieving heartburn and indigestion. 
  • Controlling blood pressure.

After hearing about all of the magnesium’s benefits, you’re probably wondering what the correct amount of magnesium you should ingest daily is. The study mentioned above required its participants to consume 250 milligrams of magnesium a day through supplements. You can either opt for magnesium supplements or any of the foods that are rich in magnesium such as spinach, chard, lettuce, beets, avocado, pumpkin, seeds, nuts, among others.


Lose Weight Fast Naturally with Honey, Apple, Chia and Flax Seeds

Lose Weight Fast Naturally with Honey, Apple, Chia and Flax Seeds

Lose Weight Fast Naturally 

with Honey, Apple, Chia and Flax Seeds

Having a decent eating regimen is the most ideal approach to be healthy and lose weight. Proof of this possibility is this wonderful combination. The smoothie we're teaching you about today will give you the filaments and supplements important to be healthy and lose that horrible fluid retention. Besides that, we know that in order for the digestive system to work well, some foods might help you. Like chia. The extraordinary amount of fiber together with the high protein content of this seed makes it a stunning partner in weight loss diets.

The seeds contain omega 3 and 6, which is essential for brain health and it also helps to lose weight. No wonder chia is used in vegetables and fruit salads and yogurts because it brings in numerous benefits to our health. Want to know what to do to include chia in your weight loss diet? This powerful drink helps you keep your colon clean and your waist slim. Here are the 

Lose Weight Fast Naturally with Honey, Apple, Chia and Flax Seeds


1 teaspoon of chia seeds, 1 teaspoon of linseed, 1 apple, Honey to taste.


Wash, strip and cut the apples into pieces. Next, mix everything in the blender. It’s recommended to take this drink for a week to see the benefits. 


Health Benefits of Mix Lemon and Mint Juice

Health Benefits of Mix Lemon and Mint Juice

Health Benefits of Mix Lemon and Mint Juice  

We love sharing videos of refreshing juice recipes in our channel. This combination cleanses your organism and prevents many diseases. Did you know about it? Lemon and mint juice can help reduce stress and depression, relaxes muscles and nerves, improves muscle function and blood circulation, regulates the levels of electrolytes, eliminates toxins, treats sleeping disorders, in addition to boosting your energy. Mint and lemon are very refreshing and have a relaxing effect on your body, and also prevent and cure many diseases. 

Mint, thanks to its analgesic powers, alleviates muscle pains, period cramps, headaches, and joint pain. Lemon also has great benefits to our organism, and it is not for nothing that it shows up in many recipes on our channel. It is great to fight colds and flu, diabetes and allergies. It also has Tangeretin, a phytochemical that fights brain diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson's. Inhaling the scents of your juice while drinking it helps to strengthen your memory. The smell of this mix will keep your brain alert and help with your cognitive development. Wanna know the recipe? 

Health Benefits of Mix Lemon and Mint Juice


1 bundle of mint, 3 lemons and 1 cup of ice. 


Squeeze the lemons and rinse the mint leaves thoroughly. Put all ingredients in a blender and mix until it's smooth. Now relax and enjoy this natural and refreshing juice, while mint and lemon do their work.


Detox Water Benefits and Detox Water Recipe Weight Loss

Detox Water Benefits and Detox Water Recipe Weight Loss

Detox Water Health Benefits 

Hot summer days can be difficult to tolerate for the vast majority, and despite the fact that everybody realizes how important it is, they don't generally remain as hydrated as they should. What most people don’t know, however, is that plain old water isn’t the only thing that will keep you healthy and hydrated. 

It’s also possible to hydrate your body by drinking infused water, which has incredible health benefits, and even aids weight loss! This recipe calls for three natural ingredients: ginger, lemon, and cucumber. Each one of them plays a very important role: Ginger is a root that helps detoxify the body and improve bowel movements, which in turn benefits the metabolism, stimulates fat burning, and prevents fluid retention.

Lemon sanitizes and eliminates toxins from the body, purging it in an all-natural manner. And since it contains a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants which strengthen the immune system, it’s widely used in disease prevention. Cucumber is very rich in water, minerals, and antioxidants that help hydrate the body and maintain proper bowel function. 

Together in this drink, lemon, cucumber, and ginger supplement one another and meet up to eliminate toxins from your body and help you lose weight, while hydrating and improving your overall health. Here's how to make this delicious drink: 

Detox Water Benefits and Detox Water Recipe Weight Loss


1 lemon or lime; ½ of a cucumber; ½ of a piece of ginger; 1 fresh mint sprig; 1 glass of water (200 ml).


Wash lemon, cucumber, ginger, and mint leaves well. Cut them into small pieces without peeling them and place them in a jar with the water. Put the jar in the fridge overnight. On the following day, strain it and drink your detox water

It is recommended that you drink this detox water every morning on an empty stomach, and throughout the day, at least half an hour before every meal. Don’t use the ingredients that you strained from your drink again. Use fresh ingredients every time you prepare your infused water.


Dr. Sebi Foods List: The Best Electric and Alkaline Foods for Your Health

Dr. Sebi Foods List: The Best Electric and Alkaline Foods for Your Health

Electric and Alkaline Foods for Your Health

Is your diet acidic or alkaline? As you probably already know, the foods we eat have a large impact on our health. Foods that are considered to be alkaline can give us several health benefits. A standout amongst the most known supporters of the alkaline diet was Dr. Sebi, a herbalist, and healer that dedicated his life to the investigation of plants and herbs. 

His teachings have helped thousands of people all over the world, be it in the prevention or curing of serious diseases. Due to this, even after he died in 2016, his articles are still being publicized by several people, whose lives were changed and health was restored by this diet.

Dr. Sebi characterized all foods in 5 groups: live, raw, dead, hybrid, genetically adjusted, and drugs. The diet he proposed eliminates all nutrition classes yet the initial two. His list of recommended vegetables is long, but a few that can be highlighted are 

Dr. Sebi Foods List:

  • Bell peppers
  • Chayote 
  • Cucumbers 
  • Kale, 
  • Lettuce 
  • Okra 
  • Onions, 
  • Squash
  • Turnip greens
  • Wild arugula
  • Zucchini. 

The fruit list is full of berries, apart from: 

  • Apples
  • Bananas
  • Dates
  • Figs 
  • Grapes 
  • Limes
  • Mango 
  • Melons 
  • Orange
  • Papayas
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Plums
  • Prunes
  • Raisins 
  • Tamarinds. 

What can you use to season your food? This list is a little shorter but it allows:

  • Basil
  • Bay leaf 
  • Cayenne 
  • Cloves 
  • Oregano 
  • Sea salt 
  • Sage 
  • Thyme 

When it comes to sugars and sweeteners the list is even shorter. The only ones allowed are date sugar from dried dates and 100% Pure Agave Syrup from cactus.  

The most recommended grains are amaranth, quinoa, rye, and wild rice, to name a few. For many, this diet may be considered limited, but the people who follow it say that there are enough foods for a varied diet. Check the description box below for the complete list of permitted foods. Had you already heard of the alkaline diet? 


Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds Water

Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds Water

Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds Water 

For most people, losing a few extra pounds isn't easy. It requires dedication, discipline, and a strong mind. In order to lose some weight, you must reduce your calorie intake and increase the amount you exercise. But did you know that there are some foods that can also help you meet your goals? Cumin, for example, has been used by many and has aided in their weight loss journey. 

A study performed in Iran for three months divided all participants into two groups where each group consumed the same amount of calories a day (from the same foods). The main contrast between each gathering is that one of the gatherings had a spoon loaded with cumin tea mixed into their yogurt, while the other one had plain yogurt. 

After the three months were up, the people in the group with the cumin yogurt lost three extra pounds and reduced their fat percentage by three times more than the other group. 

However, those weren't the only benefits: The triglyceride levels in their blood and their cholesterol was also greatly reduced. If you want to kick your diet up a notch in order to lose more weight, you should try “cumin water.” It's very easy to make and only calls for two ingredients. 


2 teaspoons of cumin seeds, 1 cup of water.


Boil the water, Turn off the stove and put the cumin seeds in the water, Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes so as to allow the water to absorb the cumin’s properties, It’s recommended that you drink this water every night before going to bed.


Say Goodbye to Dark Circle with Turmeric and Honey

Say Goodbye to Dark Circle with Turmeric and Honey

Say Goodbye to Dark Circle with Turmeric and Honey

You've probably already heard the expression “your eyes are the windows to your soul.” This phrase is actually quite true because our eyes show our uniqueness, our feelings, and our desires at any given moment. We can also tell whether or not a person is taking care of themselves by looking at their eyes. 

When we don’t get enough sleep or don't rest our eyes after hours of working in front of the computer, our eyes may become puffy, or dark circles may appear. These dark circles are caused by light reflecting off of the veins found right underneath the thin, delicate skin beneath our eyes.

Rather than spending lots of cash on costly items from pharmacies, have a go at utilizing natural ingredients to fix your dark circles. An ingredient that is great at helping with this problem is turmeric, a plant with strong anti-inflammatory properties that can lighten the coloring of your skin and help with swelling around your eyes. 

Furthermore, turmeric improves circulation to these tiny veins, making the skin around your eyes look better overall. Another great ingredient for this problem is honey. Honey hydrates and lightens the skin around your eyes, making you look healthier. Here's how to use these two ingredients: 

Say Goodbye to Dark Circle with Turmeric and Honey


1 tablespoon of powdered turmeric,1 tablespoon of honey.


Blend the turmeric with the honey until they structure a paste, apply this mixture all-around your eyes and let it sit for 10 minutes; After the time is up remove the mixture with warm water. The perfect time to apply this mask is at night. Be careful because turmeric can stain. 

If it stains your skin, you can get it out utilizing coconut or castor oil. To guarantee that your skin will respond well to these ingredients, play out an allergy test before applying them. First, place a small amount on your arm and make sure you do not have an allergic reaction.


Health Benefits of Drinking Water Daily Routine | Drinking Water Benefits

Health Benefits of Drinking Water Daily Routine | Drinking Water Benefits

Health Benefits of Drinking Water Daily Routine 

 Drinking-Water Benefits

You've probably already heard about how important it is to drink a lot of water throughout the day. Drinking water is one of the most important things we can do as a human being. Since water is so essential to our lives, drinking it in adequate amounts can bring us several different health benefits. It can: 

  • Control our blood pressure.
  • Prevent cramping. 
  • Protect our heart.
  • Improve the functioning of our intestines. 
  • Increase our physical resistance.
  • Cleanse our body. 
  • Protect us against kidney stones.
  • Protect our eyes. 
  • Improve vitamin absorption.
  • Keep our skin looking young. 

Health Benefits of Drinking Water Daily Routine | Drinking Water Benefits

Now that you know about all of these benefits, it's easier for you to understand how important water is in our daily routine. Remaining hydrated is principal for any individual who has a bustling existence. Numerous individuals convey a bottle of water around with them so they can drink it at whatever point they're parched. The issue is, contingent upon the temperature and how we store our water bottle, over the long haul it might turn out to be warm and we might not have any desire to drink it.

So today we're going to teach you a very simple trick that will help you keep your water colder for much longer. It's quite easy, the only thing you'll need is an empty water bottle. Top the empty water bottle off one-fourth of the course with water. Then, place the water bottle in the freezer overnight. The next morning, fill the rest of the bottle up before leaving the house. Now, your water will be cool all day long.


Top Reasons To Avoid Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables

Top Reasons To Avoid Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables

Top Reasons To Avoid Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables

Have you ever heard of Salmonella? It’s a bacteria responsible for contaminating over 1 million people a year in the USA alone. Its symptoms are easily confused with those of food poisoning and can appear up to 10 days after consuming the contaminated food. 

Every year, there are cases of salmonella contamination reported all over the world. In 2018, 60 people were diagnosed with salmonella all over the 50 states of America. But how do people get contaminated? By eating watermelon! If you believe you can only catch salmonella by eating raw eggs then you’re wrong: 

Top Reasons To Avoid Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables

The bacteria can also be found in poorly washed meats as well as fruits and green vegetables—raw or cooked. When it comes to fruit, it's more likely to be found in the kind with a high pH balance such as papaya and melons. These fruits give bacteria a favorable environment to grow in. But you don’t have to cut them out of your diet. 

The greatest danger is found in pre-cut fruits that are sold at grocery stores. These packages have been handled, most of the time without the needed precautions, and can be contaminated. Next time you go to the grocery store, try to buy food that hasn’t been manipulated or handled. This way you’ll be safe from all the harmful bacteria.

Top Reasons To Avoid Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables


4 Natural Home Remedies for Asthma

4 Natural Home Remedies for Asthma

4 Natural Home Remedies for Asthma 

Some of asthma's main symptoms are difficulties breathing and wheezing. You may be familiar with these symptoms since asthma is one of the most recurrent diseases in the world. Asthma is a chronic disease that occurs when our airways become inflamed and swell up too tight for comfortable breathing. Asthma attacks can be caused by dust mites, pollen, fungus, exposure to animals, etc... In today's article we're going to show you some home remedies to treat asthma and relieve your symptoms: 

4 Natural Home Remedies for Asthma


Ginger is an excellent asthma remedy because it reduces inflammation in the airways, and prevents them from contracting, making breathing easier. You can consume ginger by mixing a spoonful of ground ginger with a glass and a half of water. Another way to consume it is through tea. Take one inch of ginger and cut it into small pieces. Put the ginger in a pot with boiling water and let it boil for 5 minutes. Drink the tea as soon as it cools. 

4 Natural Home Remedies for Asthma

Mustard Oil 

Mustard oil is one of the most effective natural remedies to treat asthma attacks. It is important to emphasize that the oil we're talking about is the greasy kind, obtained by grinding the mustard seeds (different from the essential oil). Mix the warm mustard oil with a little salt and massage it into your chest and back several times a day until you get relief from the symptoms. 

4 Natural Home Remedies for Asthma

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil contains eucalyptol, a liquid widely used in asthma medications due to its decongestant properties. Research has shown that this oil is effective in breaking down the mucus accumulated in our airways. A good way to use eucalyptus oil to treat asthma symptoms is through inhalation. Put two or three drops of eucalyptus oil in a pan with boiling water. When it begins to evaporate, deeply inhale the vapor to accelerate the effect. 

4 Natural Home Remedies for Asthma


This may be new to you, but coffee can be a great ally for people suffering from respiratory problems. The reason is simple: caffeine is a bronchodilator, which opens up our airways, relieving asthma symptoms. The stronger the coffee the better when it comes to asthma. If you do not like coffee, some teas such as black, white, and oolong tea are great alternatives.


Vitamin D Deficiency | 6 Signs You May Have a Vitamins Deficiency

Vitamin D Deficiency - 6 Signs You May Have a Vitamins Deficiency

Vitamin D Deficiency  

6 Signs You May Have a Vitamins Deficiency

The way that our body needs vitamins to work effectively isn't news for anybody. These organic micronutrients are significant for our bodies, and even though they aren't equipped for creating enough of them, a decent eating regimen deals with that. Vitamins are in charge of various real capacities, and the absence of them can cause serious health problems. In today’s article we’re going to explore some of the signs that can indicate a vitamin deficiency: 

Numbness or a tingling sensation in your hands and feet 

One of the possible causes is a deficiency of the B9, B6, and B12 vitamins. Other side effects of this deficiency can be depression, anemia, fatigue, and hormonal imbalances. Some foods that are rich in these vitamins are chicken, seafood, eggs, beans, beets, asparagus, and spinach. Supplementing with nutritional yeast can also help. 

Dry Lips 

Dry lips are usually tied to a Vitamin B deficiency, in addition to other minerals such as iron and zinc. Dry skin indicates the same problem. To fix this deficiency, you need to eat more beets, peanuts, and lentils. If you aren’t a vegetarian, eggs, seafood, and lean meats can also do the trick. If you need to increase your iron absorption, you additionally need to consume more vitamin C. 

Red and white acne-like bumps 

These small bumps appear mainly on your face, arms, thighs, and back. Their appearance can be tied to a vitamin A and D deficiency, as well as a lack of good fats such as omega 3. To increase your vitamin A levels, eat more green vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, and peppers. Then again, vitamin D can be obtained through sunlight or supplements. Last however not least, always offer inclination to healthy fats present in foods such as fish, nuts, seeds, etc.

Muscle cramps in the legs and feet 

If you’re an athlete, you should know how to fix this problem. In order to prevent cramps, consume more magnesium, potassium, and calcium. These minerals can be found in bananas, apples, peanuts, sesame seeds, hazelnuts, zucchini, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables. 

Red scaly eruptions on your face 

Our body doesn’t store biotin since it’s soluble. A lack of it can cause symptoms such as red splotches on your face. Our suggestion is that you eat boiled eggs, salmon, avocado, bananas, blueberries, nuts, cauliflower, and mushrooms. 

Hair loss 

Just like the red splotches, hair loss is an indication of a biotin deficiency. This vitamin can normally be found in products that promise to help improve hair growth.


10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine  

Health Benefits of Turmeric 

Turmeric is a standout amongst the most prominent roots nowadays, to cook with as well as because of its numerous health benefits. This spice, a member of the ginger family, has been used for over 4000 years in the Middle East and Asia and its consumption has been tied to lower cancer rates in countries like India. Its qualities and health benefits are mainly due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. It's even proven to be superior to antibiotics. In today's article, we're going to show you 10 reasons why turmeric is superior to modern medicine: 

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric


Depression is considered to be the evil of the century and its effects go far beyond feeling sad or distressed. This disorder can even affect the immune system and favor the onset of inflammatory processes. In general, depression is treated through psychological counseling and prescription medications such as fluoxetine, but one study shows that turmeric had better results than fluoxetine in depression's treatment. 

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric


Over the years, many studies have shown that the active property in turmeric is able to keep cancer cells from developing and growing. Turmeric has been linked to the prevention of various types of cancer, including breast, lung, stomach, liver, and colon cancer. 

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric


Chronic pain is one of the main reasons people take prescription drugs. The problem is that these medicines can help fight pain, but they can have negative consequences for your health in the long run. Studies indicate that turmeric is effective in relieving pain, taking action superior to that of medicines such as aspirin and ibuprofen. 

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric


The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric can be especially helpful for people with arthritis. This includes both degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis) and inflammatory arthritis. 

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric

Heart diseases 

Turmeric can also help strengthen your heart because it has a positive effect on your heart, arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels, contributing to the regulation of blood pressure and coagulation. 

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric

Brain diseases 

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's have been linked to low levels of a neurological growth hormone. Turmeric has the ability to raise levels of this hormone, delay its onset, and improve the memory and cognitive capacity of the brain. 

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric


One study has shown that turmeric is effective in relieving symptoms common in premenstrual tension. 

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric

Skin problems 

Turmeric is a widely used ingredient in beauty treatments, great at reducing acne, dry skin, oily skin, and even helping reduce the signs of aging and wrinkles. It is excellent for treating stretch marks, alopecia, psoriasis, burns, and even helps to eliminate facial hair. 

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric

Irritable bowel syndrome 

One study has shown that the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric have also proven to be beneficial in reducing the symptoms of IBS and these effects may also extend to other digestive disorders such as ulcerative colitis. 

10 Ways Turmeric Might be Superior to Modern Medicine | Health Benefits of Turmeric

Inflammatory processes 

A poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle habits can contribute to the onset of chronic inflammatory processes, which in turn contribute to heart disease, diabetes, joint problems and more. Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of turmeric is its potent anti-inflammatory action, which makes this root an excellent ally in combating inflammation without bringing the undesirable effects found in the remedies prescribed for that purpose.


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