Black Tea Could Be The Cure To Your Stress | Benefits of Black Tea

Black Tea Could Be The Cure To Your Stress | Benefits of Black Tea

Black Tea Could Be The Cure To Your Stress 

Benefits of Black Tea

Nowadays it's impossible to avoid stress. Be it due to work, relationships, family, or even little things like traffic, we’re constantly exposed to situations that make us feel anxious and stressed out. But we’re wrong if we think that stress is bad for our health. Stress is a natural defense against any external stimulation and is very important for our survival. When we’re faced with a dangerous situation, our body produces adrenaline and cortisol, which help it to be on high alert, and ready to react For instance, on the off chance that somebody is feeling some extra pressure at work, their mind realizes it and enables the individual to complete what they need to do in the most ideal was possible.

Stress becomes bad for us when it's constant, and causes other symptoms such as exhaustion, muscular tension, weird sleep schedules, a change in appetite or mood, etc. So, if you're feeling stressed out, we have good news for you. Do you like black tea? British researchers have found that black tea lowers the cortisol levels in our blood, relieving our symptoms by getting rid of the hormone responsible for the stress. This study was performed on 75 people, divided into two groups.

One group drank black tea, while the other group took a caffeinated placebo that tasted similar. Each and every one of the participants was subjected to stressful situations, and their cortisol and blood pressure levels were monitored. The group that drank black tea saw a much greater drop in cortisol levels than the group that took the placebo. Japanese scientists are also constantly studying the general benefits of tea and the specific components that make its taste and aroma so good for our health.

Another study was performed to determine how two different types of tea aromas affect physical and psychological stress. Japanese researchers concluded that the group that inhaled the black tea aroma had lower levels of chromogranin-A, the biological marker used to measure stress levels. So, next time you want to drink some black tea, remember to inhale its vapor for a few minutes before drinking. This straightforward propensity can enable you to bring down your feelings of anxiety and furthermore improve your state of mind.


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